japanese school melbourne bayside

Top 35 Japanese School in Melbourne [2024]

Your child's ability to learn about another culture and improve their language abilities can both be facilitated by enrolling them in Japanese classes. There are a few things that you need to take into consideration in order to find a Japanese language school in Melbourne that is of high quality. Let's take a closer look at some of the most important factors!

Are you interested in attending the most reputable Japanese school in Melbourne? Some schools may be a better fit for your child than others, and this will depend on their current level of Japanese as well as their long-term ambitions. 

Check out this list of the best japanese schools around Melbourne. 

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    Ultimate List of Japanese School Melbourne

    Nunawading Japanese School Melbourne

    nunawading japanese school

    Website: www.japanesetutormelbourne.com.au
    Enquiries: 0421 234 951
    Address: 8-10 Wood Street, Nunawading Vic 3131

    Nunawading Japanese School is a Japanese school located in Melbourne, Australia. Since 2013 they have been providing fun, engaging Japanese courses for adults wanting to learn to speak, read and write Japanese. Face to face (onsite) classes are available for Melbourne students. They also facilitate online Japanese classes for students across Australia (Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide & Hobart) and Japan.

    Over the years they have developed their own unique curriculum with original teaching method. Their teachers are all ‘native’ Japanese who live and teach from Melbourne. Their reputation has grown to be one of the best places to learn Japanese in Australia.

    Japanese Classes - www.japanesetutormelbourne.com.au/japanese-classes-melbourne/

    Dr. Study Learning – Japanese School Melbourne

    dr. study learning japanese school


    0425 744 204

    About Dr. Study Customized Instructional Programs for Students of All Grades and Abilities

    Students make the most of their time spent with us because to the individualised attention they receive from the programmes we offer.

    Observe as the Path Your Child Is Traveling Opens the Door to Greater Academic Achievement and Improved Personal Development.

    Melbourne Tutors Who Have Helped Over 30,000 Students Get Back on Track and Even Further Ahead

    We have a number of different tutoring programmes that can assist your child in catching up in school, getting ahead, and realising their full potential. The following are included in our tutoring programmes:

    • VCE subjects include English, mathematics, science, and humanities. Programs that Assist Students in Preparing for Scholarships and Offer Tutoring
    • Support for Postsecondary Students in Classrooms and Online
    • Providing Tutoring for Students of All Ages and Life Stages
    • Early Education, Kindergarten, Primary School, and Secondary Education - Counseling for College and Professions

    Dr. STUDY delivers learning facilities of a world-class standard, which complement the top programmes that are offered.

    Our location features learning hubs as well as a lecture hall, both of which are completely outfitted with the highest quality furniture, shelves, stationery, laptops, and other amenities. Our computers and a variety of other cutting-edge educational devices are available to the students.

    The Tertiary Level and Beyond

    From Primary through Post-Tertiary and Beyond Essential English IELTS and Medical Headstart Getting Ready for TAFE and University

    A trouble-free and fruitful transition to tertiary education is the goal of the Pre-Tertiary Program, which was developed with that end in mind. Our team of Academic professionals is aware of all of the typical challenges that students have when they first start their tertiary education, and they guide our students to avoid and overcome the same challenges.

    We offer aid with the construction of courses, as well as assistance with content covering, assignment assistance, and online support. Tertiary education programmes offer complete course help, including assistance with assignments, online support, and lectures, as well as assistance with writing and reference.

    University professors that have won awards for their teaching work with students in Pre-Prep all the way through 12th grade and beyond.

    The students receive one-on-one instruction from our University professors, which not only gives them a head start in preparing for life at university but also a foot in the door! Help your child improve their self-assurance and their abilities, and get them ahead of the game.

    JIC Language School Melbourne

    jic language school japanese tutors melbourne


    (03) 9654 5100

    The study of Japanese

    In May of 2002, JIC Language School was created in Melbourne, Victoria, with the intention of establishing a learning atmosphere that is both productive and entertaining, in addition to providing a high level of support for each and every one of our students. We offer an expert service that will deepen your comprehension of people from other cultural backgrounds and improve your ability to communicate in a variety of languages.

    The reasons why our school is unique

    The Standard of Learning

    We provide a variety of language programmes, and we make an effort to personalise the instruction as much as possible in order to meet the requirements of each student. We guarantee that all of our instructors are highly qualified and fluent in their respective languages. The dedication and expertise of our instructors will serve as a pillar of support for you for the entirety of your time spent studying a new language.

    In-Person Instruction

    We feel that the ideal classroom size should have between three and ten students, and that class schedules should be flexible. One of the advantages of taking part in classes with a limited number of students is that they provide for a greater number of opportunities to ask questions and become acquainted with one's fellow students in a setting that is casual yet still active.

    Instructors of Foreign Languages

    The professors at JIC are friendly and personable, and they always come to class fully prepared. In the event that you run into any issues, they are always ready to lend a helping hand.

    Information Regarding the Course

    Classes in Japanese Language

    Both group and individual lessons are available for anyone interested in learning Japanese. Students are completely submerged in Japanese language and culture as a result of the use of "the direct technique," also known as immersion, during the course of their participation in group lessons. Classes at JIC are delivered wholly and exclusively in Japanese. Master the language with the help of our very first textbook as well as a variety of other useful materials. Our one-of-a-kind textbook includes a large number of terms that are directly applicable to everyday life, and you can start using them right away. Courses encompass all levels for general classes. There is also support for the VCE and JLPT, as well as lessons for children. This also applies to the classes that we provide online.

    Huntingdale Primary School - Japanese School Melbourne

    huntingdale primary school japanese school


    03 9544 2313

    The Huntingdale Primary School is a lively institution that fosters an atmosphere that is warm and inviting, as well as one that promotes learning, laughing, and play. Due to the remarkable achievements of the Japanese Bilingual Language Immersion Education programme, our school has garnered a strong reputation as a pioneer in the field of bilingual education, not only in Australia but also on an international scale.

    At Huntingdale Primary School, we believe that teaching our students a second language is the most important thing we can do for them. All of our children receive an amazing bilingual education, and as a result, they are completely submerged in the Japanese language. Studies have shown that young toddlers learn a language most effectively through immersion since it is the most natural way for them to do so.

    Engaging Minds Together is the motto of our educational institution.

    A primary emphasis is placed on 'engaging' children on a daily basis in an atmosphere that is both secure and risk-free for them. We are aware that children are unable to participate fully in their education if they do not feel comfortable in their environment. Curiosity and creativity are essential to involvement, and the children at your school incorporate both of these qualities into their daily activities of learning and exploration.

    The term "minds" best describes the product of our one-of-a-kind multilingual education. The academic rigour and the force of how we operate here at Huntingdale are both derived from the thorough development of the curriculum that serves as the foundation for the learning as a whole. Learning a second language has been shown to boost brain development, improve English literacy skills, as well as memory, focus, and mathematical ability.

    More can be accomplished when we work "Together." The children that are placed in solitude will investigate, but in order to excel, they will need direction and scaffolding. More may be accomplished when the child, the instructor, and the parents work together to form a partnership, which ultimately leads to the most successful outcomes.

    Our children improve their critical and creative thinking, as well as their personal and social skills and their understanding of other cultures, through the bilingual education that they get each day. The 'international lens' is a way of looking at the world that our pupils are encouraged to adopt, and the experiences that are provided by the school help them do so.

    Through our highly varied curriculum, our entire teaching staff is dedicated to the idea that every student should have the chance to succeed, and we will do all in our power to make that happen. Their education is expanded and enriched by the extensive use of technology, many tools for thinking, and a wide variety of activities outside the classroom.

    The profound conviction that childhood is a priceless and one-of-a-kind period of life serves as the bedrock of our institution's culture and ethos. Children have an inherent need to be cared for in an atmosphere that is both calm and engaging. Discovering one's abilities, igniting one's curiosity, passion, and optimism are all things that can take place during childhood when one is exposed to a wide variety of cultural and artistic events. A child's sense of who they are as a learner begins to take shape during what are referred to as the "Early Years" of their education. It is imperative that this growth be fostered and cultivated with the utmost care and attention. Literacy and numeracy skills also receive significant attention and development during this critical period to ensure their continued success in the years to come.

    School Vision & Values

    It is absolutely necessary for us to consider the future as well as the world and the workplace that our children will be joining as adults when we are defining our Vision and Values for our school community. The vision that Huntingdale has for the future includes the following provisions:

    • Excellent Literacy and numeracy skills
    • Authentic language competency in an additional language (Japanese) and deep intercultural understandings
    • Thinking skills to access, synthesise and transfer information in a 21st-century knowledge economy
    • High level personal and interpersonal skills to facilitate strong social connectedness and personal well-being

    The following values are central to the life of our school, and all members of the school community are required to demonstrate them:

    • Kindness
    • Courage
    • Personal Best
    • Creativity

    As members of the same school community, we strive to model these characteristics in our day-to-day dealings with one another as well as in the formulation of our practises and guidelines.

    The phrase "Engaging Minds Together" serves as the guiding principle behind the high calibre of instruction that we provide. When you combine these three potent terms, not only do we have a method of operation, but we also have an explanation for why we all refer to Huntingdale as "our school."

    The concept of 'engaging' the children on a daily basis in an atmosphere that is free from risk and danger is a primary concern for each and every one of us. We are aware that the children are unable to participate fully in their education when they do not feel safe in the environment in which they are studying. Curiosity and creativity are essential to involvement, and the children at your school incorporate both of these qualities into their daily activities of learning and exploration.

    The term "minds" best describes the product of our one-of-a-kind multilingual education. If the Japanese programme is not offered, then the education offered is monolingual; nevertheless, if the English programme is not offered, then the education offered is also monolingual. The meticulous structuring of the curriculum that serves as the foundation for the programme as a whole is the source of the academic rigour and the power that underlies how we operate here at Huntingdale. The'mind' component is contributed by neuroscience, which is the driving force behind our wellness and academic programmes, as well as the advantages of our bilingual education system.

    More can be accomplished when we work "Together." The youngsters that are kept apart will explore, but they will need assistance and support as they do so. The youngsters who have a teacher are able to do more as a result of a step-by-step release of responsibility beginning with modelling and progressing to independent application in an authentic environment. However, the children, teachers, parents, and families are the ones who really make the largest contributions to the outcomes.

    Students not only come from the immediate area, but also from a wide variety of surrounding areas, because of our creative teaching and learning programmes and our dedication to ensuring that our pupils are well-equipped to thrive in the interconnected world of the 21st century. The educational experience that is offered for children is multi-faceted and goes far beyond the confines of the actual school building. This is demonstrated through a wide variety of educational and cultural activities that take place in the larger community. These activities include field trips, in-school visits, family involvement, camps, a trip overseas, international visitors, and a variety of individual, group, and whole school performances.

    Our students get an international perspective on the world as a result of receiving instruction in both English and Japanese simultaneously. Our school is known for having high academic accomplishment, providing an authentic bilingual education, having children who are engaged and joyful, having staff members who are devoted, enthusiastic, and professionals, and having a parent community that is very supportive.

    Reading our Statement of Values and School Philosophy can provide you with additional information regarding our school. The institution has a Lighthouse vision, which may be viewed here if you're interested. The School Council, parents, teachers, and students all contributed ideas to this document during its development.

    Learning Japanese as a Second Language Through Immersion

    At Huntingdale Primary School, bilingual education serves as the foundation for students' academic success. In Term 3, 1997, the school began offering bilingual education, which has contributed to the institution's expansion over the past quarter century.

    The success of our Bilingual education is grounded in research into best practices in language immersion:

    • Immersion is the most natural way for young children to learn a second language.
    • In the Japanese classroom, students are only spoken to in Japanese. They can ask questions in English, but the response will always be in Japanese.
    • The Japanese speaking classroom teachers must have a native level of fluency and cross-cultural understanding.
    • The two classroom teachers (English and Japanese speaking teachers) plan together, so learning is supported in both languages.
    • Both languages (English and Japanese) and both cultures (Australian and Japanese) are valued and reflected in school performances and community events.

    The Japanese Bilingual Model that we use in our Foundation to year three levels is called the 50/50 model. This means that fifty percent of the curriculum is taught in English, which includes reading, writing, speaking and listening, visual arts, physical education, and enquiry (science / humanities), and the other fifty percent of the curriculum is taught in Japanese, which includes reading, writing, speaking and listening, mathematics, dance, and drama. Both languages are used in the instruction of wellness.

    The English speaking teacher is responsible for the daily two hours of Literacy teaching and the daily one hour of Numeracy teaching for Years 4 through 6. The Japanese-speaking instructor leads the class for a total of four and a half hours every week, divided as follows: two and a half hours per week are devoted to Japanese Literacy, and the remaining two hours per week are devoted to Inquiry (Science and Humanities). Specialist teachers are responsible for providing one hour per week of instruction in Japanese for each of the following subjects: visual art, music, physical education, and eLearning. Both English and Spanish are utilised during the assembly presentation.

    Award for Innovation and Outstanding Performance

    Because of the work that we had done on the project titled "Inward Reflection – Outward Connection," Huntingdale was presented with the Curriculum Innovation Award in 2011 as part of the Victorian Education Excellence Awards.

    The award was given in recognition of the work done by all of our staff members across all of our campuses. The idea that "The highly innovative and reflective Bilingual teaching and learning at Huntingdale exhibits best practises in second language learning" was the driving force behind the award. Students gain the ability to study in and through two languages, as well as the information and understanding to support such learning. The school's mission is to support children in becoming global citizens by instilling a deep understanding of culture and fostering an international perspective in which children see similarities before they see differences. English and Japanese bilingualism is the school's primary focus, but the school is also committed to this mission. With the help of this award, we will be able to continue our research on bilingual education systems, as well as the fundamental teaching and learning, as well as the school organisation, that are necessary for achieving optimal learning results in both languages.

    The award made it possible for us to participate in the Intercultural Understanding Field Trial as well as investigate effective literacy practise in bilingual and multilingual settings. The entire school now has a common knowledge of multicultural understanding and awareness, as well as the means by which to accommodate these facets of students' needs at ages and stages that are developmentally appropriate.

    Relationships Between Sister Schools

    Trip to Japan for Senior Students

    Every senior student at Huntingdale High School gets the option to go to Japan during the off-year of their final two years of schooling there, as this is the school's long-standing tradition. The funding for this comes from the parents. The primary school in Kuramochi with whom our institution maintains a Sister School relationship is located here, making it an important stop on our journey.

    The students will have the opportunity to experience true Japanese culture throughout their trip to Japan by staying in traditional lodgings and participating in activities such as eating traditional Japanese food, taking traditional baths, and sleeping on tatami mats. During this period, the youngsters also attend classes at Kuramochi Primary School and live with family who have opened their homes to them. Our students will benefit tremendously from this once-in-a-lifetime chance.

    Additionally, the school has maintained a close connection with Shioya Junior High for a very long time. The school pays a visit to Huntingdale Primary School on an annual basis. Their students take part in traditional classes in addition to taking part in a variety of cultural activities. In addition, every student participates in a homestay activity with one of our families.

    ICM Principles


    We value behaviour that is responsible, accountable, and ethical within an environment of honest, open communication, mutual respect, and care for one another.


    We place a high importance on innovative risk-taking as well as the passionate pursuit of new ideas.

    Continuous Improvement

    We place a high importance on the ongoing improvement of our programmes, services, and procedures through the empowerment and professional development of our staff members within the context of a culture that emphasises teamwork.

    Focus on the Customer We place a high importance on our commitment to the success and happiness of our students by meeting the requirements of our customers.


    We place a high importance on educational settings that are able to attract, grow, and sustain a student body and workforce that are representative of our varied world.

    Education That Never Stops

    We provide a wide range of professional development and educational opportunities.

    The furtherance of appreciation and understanding between different cultures

    We plan to promote through a variety of activities, both instructional and social, that contribute to cultural knowledge and engagement.

    Services for Academic and Personal Support

    Students will benefit from Academic services provided by our staff, which will include a comprehensive learning resource centre and basic skills activities designed to supplement classroom curriculum.

    Student Services and Assistance Programs

    We will make it a priority to give all students, including those with special needs, with the opportunity to participate in a variety of social and cultural activities as well as assessment, advising, and counselling services.

    Avivo Australia Japanese School

    avivo australia japanese tutors


    0499 999 831

    Where We Stand

    Avivo Australia is committed to providing personalised and engaging education. We make the material accessible to pupils by pairing them with a tutor to whom they can relate and who presents it in a manner that is simple to grasp.

    Our goal is to develop a learning environment that is unparalleled in its quality. We are able to accomplish this by paying attention to what our students have to say and cooperating with them to reach their specific goals.

    We employ novel approaches in order to comprehend the learning preferences and objectives of each individual learner. This makes it possible for instructors to engage students in activities that either improve or reinforce fundamental skills or consolidate and extend previously established technical abilities. For the purpose of reaching one's full potential as a learner, it is recommended that one practises mindfulness, makes a study plan, and manages their time efficiently.

    We collaborate closely with professionals in the fields of education and health to hone our service and ensure that it delivers what really important.

    The expert tutoring staff at Avivo is continuously keeping up to date with the new curriculum, current challenges that are confronting young people, monitoring student and parent expectations, introducing improvements, and reinventing the way in which we give our service.

    At Avivo, we believe in working smarter, not harder, and our primary emphasis is on recognising and rewarding individual accomplishment as opposed to merely evaluating academic achievement.


    • Tutoring In Melbourne
    • Our Relationship With You
    • Experienced Role Model Tutors

    Avivo will collaborate with you to design a personalised learning experience for you to have one-on-one instruction from a subject-matter expert instructor who is someone you can relate to. We are experts in the IB and VCE curriculums and tutor students of all ages and topics.

    Student Success

    The individual successes of our pupils are cause for celebration here at our school.

    Our Approach Your Wellbeing First

    When it comes to tutoring, we take an integrated approach, which means that we will encourage you to have a comprehensive understanding of the significance of both mental and physical well-being for learning. We boost your learning by delivering a combination of highly individualised one-on-one tutoring sessions and, when necessary, by assisting you in embracing mindfulness and the practise of relaxation as a means to alleviate tension and anxiety.

    Taking Control of the Overload of Information

    Working Smarter, Not Harder

    Do you ever feel like there is too much information coming at you from school and the internet? It is possible to become so overwhelmed by it that you lose track of the fundamental skills that you need to acquire. At Avivo, we help you make sense of the information and streamline the process of absorbing knowledge by guiding you through the process of sifting through irrelevant information and focusing on what's important.

    Mental Approach to Tutoring

    Having a Tutor Is Not an Alternative to Studying

    The same level of dedication and commitment is required to start studying an instrument as it takes to decide to get a tutor for your academic pursuits. The mastery of an instrument, the acquisition of new musical knowledge, and the consolidation of methods all require consistent daily practise.

    The same perspective ought to be taken with regard to tutoring. Your teacher will instruct you in the several subjects that are covered during the school day. During a session with a tutor, you will have the opportunity to learn new skills and techniques, as well as ask questions. Having a tutor is not a replacement for regular study but rather a commitment to improving your own education.

    Changing One's Expectations

    Debunking the Myth of the ATAR

    The Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) is not a measure of a student's capacity to do well in university.

    As educators with years of expertise under our belts, we have first-hand knowledge of the application procedure for universities in Australia as well as in a number of other countries. The Australian Postsecondary Admissions Rank (ATAR) is a measure of academic ability that is used by tertiary schools in Australia; nevertheless, it is not a reliable estimate of a student's potential to be successful in higher education.

    Tertiary Providers are also increasingly recognising the worth of other personal traits carried by a student.   Students who are interested in enrolling in many different types of classes can now take advantage of opportunities to demonstrate their suitability through multiple selection processes. These processes may include an audition, portfolio, interview, and/or aptitude test, in addition to awards and achievements obtained to this point.

    You will have the easiest time getting into the course of your choosing if you are successful in getting the ATAR that you want. But your ATAR isn't the only factor that matters when it comes to getting into a postsecondary programme. There are currently a variety of additional educational routes one might take in order to prepare for a specific vocation.

    Balancing Act Balance Both Work and Play

    Although we place a significant emphasis on academics, we equally value leisure time. This is the reason why we do not know any tutors on Fridays; we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to take a break and try something new at least once every week. Our tutors are more than delighted to guide you through techniques such as planning your studies and managing your time so that you, too, can find a healthy balance between work and leisure. The instructors at Avivo have all been in your shoes and have a wealth of knowledge and advice to share with you regarding maintaining a healthy balance in your life while you are a student.

    Dandenong High School - Japanese School Melbourne

    dandenong high school japanese school melbourne


    03 9792 0563

    Dandenong High School's Rich Past and Promising Future

    Dandenong High School has been a forerunner ever since it opened its doors in 1919 as the twenty-fourth district government high school with an initial enrolment of 104 pupils. Despite its humble origins, the school has consistently been one step ahead of the competition. It was the first secondary school located south-east of the City in the market town of Dandenong; it then undertook a renovation project, commencing in 2009, to become a "super school" with seven new award-winning house buildings catering for over 2,000 students.

    The beginning of it all

    Students were given temporary housing in the local Church of Christ, Fire Station, and Temperance Hall prior to the opening of the school as a consequence of the persistent efforts of a group of prominent individuals who approached education officials. In November of 1919, the foundation stone was placed, and the permanent and large two-story red brick building was ready for occupancy by the year 1920. The rapid increase in the number of students almost immediately meant that the facilities were insufficient, which required fast extensions to be constructed. This tendency was going to continue on throughout the decades that were to follow. Soon after, a further wing was erected, which completed the now-familiar quadrangle that can be seen.

    Stables were one of the early school's luxuries, and although though they were quite basic, they were utilised by pupils who rode horses to school from the surrounding fields. Due to the school's location in a rural outpost and the fact that it was one of only six suburban high schools, a substantial number of students had to commute considerable distances, spending well over an hour travelling there by bus or train. Many of these students came from the region of Gippsland. They also came from the neighbourhoods of Ferntree Gully and Scoresby, as well as Oakleigh and Murrumbeena, all of which are located along the Melbourne train line.

    Under the direction of the school's first Headmaster, Mr. P. C. Langford, the institution's illustrious customs and traditions were established at an early stage. Langford moved his family to Dandenong not long after surviving the devastation and upheavals of the Great War. There, he founded a school that instilled discipline in its students while also instilling in them hope for a prosperous future. The colours dark blue, light blue, and red were chosen for the school because they were based on the colours worn by his regiment, the 4th Light Horse. In addition, he took great effort in selecting the motto, which is appropriate for people of any age: "Faber Quisque Fortunae," which translates to "Everyone is the Architect of their own Destiny.

    Partner Institution in Japanese


    Since 2007, Dandenong High School and Sakuyakonohana High School have made it a tradition to visit one another's schools on an annual basis in alternating fashion. Sakuyakonohana High School, much to Dandenong High School, was originally comprised of two separate schools that later united to become a single, larger institution. The two institutions have a shared opinion that having experiences in common, both inside and outside of the classroom, is a vital factor in helping to create a strong relationship between the two very different cultures.

    The most recent trip to Dandenong by Sakuyakonohana was in July 2015 when they were there. The teachers and students from Sakuyakonohana High School had an amazing week as they travelled to Dandenong High School to participate in a variety of classes and unique workshops. Some of the activities they participated in were dot painting, dancing, music, AFL skills, and cookery (Anzac biscuits). During the course of the week, there were also a number of excursions, and the Japanese delegation had the opportunity to attend an Australian Football League game (Melbourne vs. Brisbane) at the MCG, go sightseeing in the City and at Queen Victoria market, and visit Healesville Sanctuary to see Australia's native fauna.

    The Japanese students were excited to interact with the students and staff of Dandenong High School, with the hopes of gaining a better understanding of the culture of Dandenong High School and sharing their knowledge of Japan.

    The links that exist between the two schools have strengthened as a result of this most recent visit. This significant relationship will continue to be established and developed in 2016, when students and staff from Dandenong High School will travel to Sakuyakonohana High School in Osaka, Japan, in order to pay their thanks for the visit they received in 2015.

    The Japanese School of Melbourne

    the japanese school of melbourne


    03 9528 1945

    Greetings from the head of the school

    It is stated that Melbourne, the capital of Victoria and located in the southeastern region of the Australian continent, is the most liveable city in the world. Melbourne is Australia's second-largest city after Sydney and the capital of the state of Victoria. There are many broad streets, gardens, and parks that are encircled by trees, making it a beautiful garden city. In the centre of the City, "City" structures from the 19th century and contemporary skyscrapers are in nice contrast with one another. It is also quite well known.

    The Japanese School of Melbourne can be found in Caulfield, which is 10 kilometres to the south-east of the central business district of Melbourne. This location is known for its peaceful residential neighbourhoods and abundant natural surroundings.

    Our school is a private, full-time institution that was founded in Melbourne in 1986 by the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry and is recognised by the government of Victoria as meeting all of its requirements. The authority to run the school was passed from the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Melbourne to the school's board of directors. The management and operation of it are in place.

    Within the framework of a local school in Australia that serves the international community, Japanese children who are residents of the Melbourne area will be educated in accordance with the educational guidelines of the Japanese curriculum with the support of the Australian government. This will take place within the context of an international community. We are putting in the effort to cultivate the attributes and skills necessary to live on our own.

    The curriculum ensures that students have ample time in the classroom, which is between 10 and 20 percent greater than elementary and junior high schools in Japan. We take use of this opportunity to offer comprehensive academic guidance as well as English education. In addition, we are taking advantage of the fact that it is an educational facility located in another country by actively engaging in on-site learning (exchange learning, off-campus learning, social tours, lodging learning, entertainment appreciation, etc.).

    Children's smiles overflow, and their power is maximised when the goal is to raise them with a healthy intellectual body while valuing the "three loves" of "praise love," "forgiveness love," and "recognition love" as the foundation. This is done with the intention of nurturing children with a well-balanced intellectual body. We are going to put up our best effort in order to construct a school so that we can achieve our maximum potential.

    Principal Takahiro Ogawa

    Educational objectives for schools

    "Encouraging children to learn on their own and grow up to be prosperous and resilient" Fostering children who are conscious of who they are as Japanese and can thrive within the context of the global community — The administrative structure of the school

    We hope to cultivate children and students who have a healthy equilibrium of knowledge, virtue, and physique by basing our work on the principle of respect for human rights.

    We will encourage education that places importance on each and every child, with the improvement of everyday teachings serving as the foundation for the administration of the school. And although we are playing the role of an international education facility as a base for creating global human resources, we will also be working to promote the construction of a school that is trusted by both the parents and the community.

    Aiming child image

    • A child who is willing to learn 
    • A child who is full of heart and compassion
    • A strong child, a child who is enthusiastic

    Image of faculty and staff

    • Faculty and staff who carry out their duties as a member of the organisation with the spirit of walking together
    • Faculty and staff who are rich in humanity and have educational affection
    • Faculty and staff who have aspirations and can demonstrate their practical professional skills

    Aiming school image

    • A school where children can learn with peace of mind and everyone can enjoy school life
    • A school that aims to build a rich personality 
    • A school that is trusted and open by parents
    • A school where faculty and staff can work with motivation and pride

    Unique education

    Reliable academic ability

    According to the subject matter of the study, "Education in Japan."

    When the fundamentals of your mother tongue have been mastered, continuing your education in Japanese is very vital. Education at the Japanese School of Melbourne is provided in accordance with the standards set forth by the Japanese educational system. You can have peace of mind even after returning to Japan because the education you receive will be identical to that which you received in Japan and will be taught using the same textbooks.

    More time spent in the classroom than in Japan

    Learning\sEnglish We ensure adequate class time by including additional minutes into the allotted block for the subject "English." Additionally, we take advantage of the conducive atmosphere to education that exists in nations where English is the native language. Finally, we work hard to improve our English language skills in order to achieve the highest possible level of "accuracy."

    Separate the time allotted for "EAL" instruction from the EAL subject itself. We are making time for abundant exposure to native English through the recruitment of teachers from the surrounding area.

    Learning in Sociology as Well as Mathematics

    In the first year of junior high school at our school, students will study social studies for four hours a week, which amounts to a total of 140 hours a year. This compares to Japan, where students will study social studies for only three hours a week, which amounts to 105 hours per year. We are making an effort to improve. The amount of time allotted to "EAL" is determined independently from the topic education. We are making time for abundant exposure to native English through the recruitment of teachers from the surrounding area.

    Personalized instruction for more intimate settings

    The number of students in each grade level is relatively low.

    We ensure that children will be able to learn independently depending on the things that interest them and what motivates them, and we offer specific direction that is only available to a limited number of people, such as comprehensive fundamental instruction and individualised direction.

    The instruction of academic discipline as well as lifelong discipline

    As Japanese people, we place a high emphasis on direction, such as normative awareness and basic manners. We are cultivating "important Japanese hearts" by teaching things like greetings for entering and exiting the school, pleasantries at the beginning and conclusion of lessons, daily greetings, lunch guidance, cleaning activities, proper word choice, and manners.

    The administration of a number of practise examinations as well as the typical academic ability tests

    The CRT of the standard academic ability exam is administered in elementary school, and the results of this test are used to provide individual students with direction regarding how they might develop their academic abilities.

    In addition, in order to assist students in their preparation for the entrance examination that will be given upon their return to Japan, the junior high school administers practise tests at least three and up to four times per year to students in middle school, one, middle school two, and middle school 3.

    Victoria's premier Japanese library

    One of the most impressive libraries in the state of Victoria may be found at the Japanese School of Melbourne. The collection has more than approximately 9,200 books in its entirety. (Roughly 8 thousand Japanese and 1 two hundred English)

    Children in Melbourne who are exposed to multiple languages and who develop a love for reading have access to the Japanese School and Library in the city. Particularly, we are concentrating on improving the picture books and other reading materials that are used from early childhood all the way through primary school, which is an essential time for children to have interactions with books.

    The majority of lending that is done to young people and students takes place during lunch breaks. In addition, we make loans to the parents of students at our school when it is necessary.

    Moving forwards, we shall continue to make concerted efforts to cultivate an atmosphere in Australia that is conducive to the abundant development of children's "Japanese."

    Barcode management rents out these collections, manages their return, and maintains their inventory.

    Victorian School of Languages - Japanese School Melbourne

    victorian school of languages japanese school melbourne


    03 9474 0502

    The Premier Language Institution in Victoria

    Students in Years 1 to 12 who do not have access to the study of those languages in their mainstream schools are eligible to enrol in language programmes at the Victorian School of Languages (VSL), which is a government school. The school has a long history of being committed to providing these programmes. The school's language programme is offered in both traditional classroom settings (located at language centres located all across the state) and online learning (distance education). The institution first offered classes on Saturdays at MacRobertson Girls' High School in 1935 for students who had an interest in acquiring current language skills. This marked the beginning of the school. The first classes ever offered were those in Italian and Japanese respectively. Around Victoria, 13,000 students attend face-to-face classes offered by the VSL, while another 1,400 students take use of the organization's online education programme.


    The school takes great pride in its long history of providing the community with language instruction. The institution first offered classes on Saturdays at MacRoberston Girls' High School in 1935 for students who had an interest in acquiring modern language skills. This marked the beginning of the school. The first classes ever offered were those in Italian and Japanese respectively.

    It was such a successful model that several other Australian states eventually followed it. In the past, it had been established that the Saturday School of Modern Languages was able to fulfil the requirements of our multilingual and multicultural society in terms of language instruction. It gradually grew as a response to the increasing need for language services in Victoria, both in the city and in the country districts. At the moment, the VSL is teaching more than 40 different languages to a total of 13,000 students in Face-to-Face classes around Victoria and 1,400 students through Distance Education.

    Profile of the School

    Students in Years 1 to 12 who do not have access to the study of those languages in their mainstream schools can participate in language programmes at the Victorian Institution of Languages, which is a government school dedicated to the offering of language programmes. The school's language programme is taught in a variety of ways, including in-person classes held at several locations across the state, as well as through the use of online learning.

    The Victorian State Library (VSL) is committed to aiding the Victorian school system in meeting the languages participation targets set by the Victorian government. The VSL functions within the policies and priorities established by the government.

    Students are recruited from the public, private, and charter school systems. Additionally, the VSL is able to meet the needs of International Students as well as a limited number of Adults. With more than 3,500 students enrolled in VCE programmes, the school is the largest single VCE language provider. The VSL is the only provider that offers courses all the way up to the VCE level for numerous languages with low candidacy.

    The VSL has a School Council that holds meetings on a monthly basis and is responsible for providing the school with broad-based advice and leadership. It is comprised of individuals who have been chosen to represent the Ethnic Communities Council, Independent and Catholic Schools, and the Tertiary Sector.

    The VSL Head Office is where the Principal and Assistant Principals are located, and it is from there that all of the overall personnel arrangements, as well as the curriculum and administrative services, are handled. Principal Class Managers and Area Managers are the members of the senior administration (Leading Teachers). The Head Office is home to the Distance Education department, which employs both full-time and part-time teachers in addition to some casual workers.

    In most cases, the VSL offers classes for pupils of school age that are at the same level as what they are studying in their primary or secondary school. In spite of this, the pressure of numbers necessitates the organisation of some multi-level classes, particularly in languages with a smaller speaker population. The VSL has created curricular resources that are tailored to such teaching demands, and it also provides teachers with opportunities for professional development.

    The majority of languages can be studied from the first levels of elementary school all the way until the end of secondary school.

    At the Victorian School of Languages, we would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to all of our students, as well as their parents and teachers.

    School-aged students from all three educational sectors – government, Catholic, and independent – are eligible to enrol in language classes offered by the Victorian Statewide Languages programme (VSL), which is a service offered statewide by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development in Victoria.

    Students who do not have the opportunity to study their prefered language in their primary school might take advantage of language programmes offered by the VSL.

    The following services can be provided for you: 

    • Face-to-face language programmes are available from Prep to Year 12 (VCE) in over 40 languages at 40 different campuses located around Victoria.
    • Classes are offered in 11 different languages through distance education and are open to students in years 7 through 12 (VCE).
    • Classes for languages taught as part of the Vocational Education (VET in Schools, RTO) programme in collaboration with a number of government and non-government schools.
    • Instruction in a language for incoming international students.
    • A variety of professional development workshops for educators focused on language learning and teaching.
    • A selection of engaging language lessons available online.

    Since its founding in 1935, when it began providing instruction in Japanese and Italian, this school has been instrumental in advancing the state of Victoria's language education system and fostering a thriving multicultural environment throughout the state. 2015 marked the 80th year since the school first opened its doors.

    In a significant report to the European Commission titled Language Rich Europe (Page 38), Professor G Extra highlighted our institution's contribution in the following terms: "The pioneering and widely known policies and practises in the Victorian School of Languages" (VSL) in Melbourne, Australia constitute an excellent good practise that can be adopted in the European context as well." Our educators and members of our school community continue to collaborate with one another to provide a quality service.

    Course Overview

    The Victorian School of Languages (VSL) is well recognised as a leading institution in the field of language education. The VSL has a high concentration of expertise as a result of its single faculty language focus, and as a result, it is in an excellent position to deliver quality and innovative language programmes. For each language and year level, a common curricular rationale, methodological approach, and organisational focus is established; this serves as the basis for the development of particular syllabi and teaching materials.

    The VSL curriculum offers its students a well-rounded collection of learning experiences that are interactive, collaborative, and participatory. These learning opportunities provide students with the greatest opportunity to develop to the fullest extent of their ability. All students, regardless of gender, ability level, or background, are encouraged to participate in the construction of the curriculum, which is based on the communicative method of teaching languages. This method emphasises the intellectual, social, emotional, and creative growth of pupils. The learning activities and evaluation procedures are designed in such a manner that they are arranged in such a way that student progress can be measured, which enables and encourages participating students to perform to their full potential. VSL courses are intended for students who are unable to study the language at their usual school. All courses are subject to revision to ensure that they are compatible with the Victorian Curriculum and the VCE. Guidelines provided by the Department of Education serve as the basis for determining who is eligible to enrol in VSL classes. The VSL provides :

    Classes Conducted in Person

    The Victorian Seniors' League (VSL) provides a comprehensive selection of in-person classes at over 40 VSL Centres located across metropolitan and regional Victoria. From the Prep level on up, students can take courses in a wide variety of languages. The courses are comparable to those that are provided in language classes at day schools in terms of both the requirements and the content, and they follow a conventional course design. Our in-person sessions meet in VSL Centres after regular school hours. These VSL Centres can be found in government secondary schools across the country. The majority of these training sessions take place on Saturday mornings. Evening sessions of certain classes are offered during the week.

    Under certain conditions, it is also possible for adults to enrol in the programme.

    Education at a Distance

    Students have access to a wide variety of VSL courses through the institution's Distance Education programme. Students are responsible for independently completing and turning in course work, in addition to participating in frequent oral instruction with VSL-based subject matter experts. At the secondary school level, students from Government, Catholic, and Independent schools are the only ones eligible to participate in Distance Education programmes. There are also some language programmes available for students in Years 5 and Students have many options to consider while deciding whether or not to participate in VSL Distance Education, including the following:

    They are unable to pursue their interest in the language in their local school because it is not offered there.

    Due to a scheduling conflict, they are unable to study the language of their choice at the school where they normally attend.

    They are not participating in educational pursuits.

    Some of these students are absent from school because they are travelling to another state or even another country, while others are unable to attend classes due to illness or other issues.

    It is the responsibility of the student's home school to finish the enrolment process for school-based kids.

    Visit VSL Distance Education to learn more, including the requirements to enrol, about the programme.

    VET Programs and Tailored RTO Training

    • Through the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), the Victorian School of Languages is eligible to conduct the following nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET) certificate courses because it is a Registered Training Organization (RTO).
    • Certificate of Competency in Applied Language (10297NAT) Certificate of Advanced Competence in Applied Language (10661NAT)
    • Each certificate consists of four different units of competency, ranging from basic level all the way up to a standard comparable to VCE.

    There are three different VSL VET programmes to choose from.

    Students who are still in school and are younger than 20 years old are eligible to get certificate training through the VSL's Distance Education programme. At this time, the VSL provides a Chinese certification curriculum that can be completed online. At our Glen Waverley location, the VSL also provides instruction in Bulgarian.

    VET Delivered to Secondary Students (VETDSS) - The VSL is also able to auspice schools to allow them to administer VET in Schools Programs. This programme is known as VET Delivered to Secondary Students.

    Face-to-face training can be adapted by the VSL, in its capacity as an RTO, to meet the needs of certain businesses or community organisations.

    Konnichiwa Japanese Language School Melbourne

    konnichiwa japanese language school melbourne


    0480 354 577

    Where We Stand

    The Melbourne Japanese School with the warmest and most welcoming atmosphere!

    Konnichiwa! Please enjoy your stay at KonnichiWhat! I've always had a deep interest in and enthusiasm for learning new languages. I graduated from the University of Tokyo with a degree in Japanese language, literature, and education, and I also earned a certificate to teach Japanese there. Since I relocated to Australia, I have had the incredible opportunity to teach Japanese in a variety of settings, including a high school in the area, a language institute, and several businesses. I am also a trainer in the course Teaching Japanese as a Second Language, and as a result, I have been a part of the development and improvement of a number of people who teach Japanese.

    I started KonnichiWhat with the intention of building a community of people who are interested in Japan and learning the Japanese language. The process of learning a new language may be both enjoyable and difficult. Our goal is to put a learner in touch with other students who may be going through something similar or be motivated by the same things. It is always a wonderful experience to share your journey with other people.

    No matter what brings you here, be it a trip to Japan, a love of anime, or simply a desire for some lighthearted fun, you are always welcome.

    The Group Lesson for the Kumi Classes (In-Person and Online)

    This is the perfect class for you if you prefer collaborating with other students and having a good time in the process of learning something new. Both the in-person and online versions of our standard Japanese language classes feature highly experienced instructors who ensure a stimulating and engaging learning environment for their students. The classroom has a laid-back vibe, but students are expected to pay attention, and the activities you participate in to learn are meant to keep you interested and motivated throughout the entire course.

    New students are always welcome to join any of our groups, regardless of the level they are currently studying at.

    Free trial of a group class is available (1 hour)

    Choices between in-person and virtual interactions

    Check the curriculum if you are unsure which group is appropriate for your skill level, or get in touch with us to schedule a consultation.

    Only two to six students in this intimate class.

    Personal Instruction (In-Person or Via the Internet)

    We are aware of the difficulties that may arise when attempting to study a language in addition to other obligations. Because of this, each and every one of our personalised lessons is completely adaptable. Therefore, it does not matter whether you opt for intense courses, weekly lessons, or a combination of in-person and online instruction; you will get excellent results in a relatively short amount of time. You are also able to choose the things that you wish to learn, such as learning the lyrics to your favourite anime or learning about J-pop music.

    • Flexible schedule
    • Tailor-made contents
    • Face to face and online lessons are available.
    • You can get a free trial class of 45 minutes long for for $10.
    • You and your friend(s) will each receive a discount of twenty percent if you decide to enrol in a lesson together.

    Izakaya Talk

    Let's hold our conversation lesson somewhere other than within the classroom! Izakaya Talk is a casual off-site Japanese discussion class that covers a wide range of topics in a fun environment. From debating the most recent events to hosting trivia nights and even hosting board game nights, and more!

    On this page, we will keep you informed of upcoming events. Keep an eye out!

    JAPANEASY Japanese Language & Culture School Melbourne

    japaneasy japanese tutors melbourne


    0422 266 374

    Experience Japan In Melbourne

    People congregate there, some of them return, and others pay a visit. JAPANEASY is like a home for all of them.

    Both the instructors and the pupils treat one another as members of a true family.

    People from all walks of life come together to have fun while simultaneously gaining an understanding of Japanese language and culture.

    We would like to express a HUGE thank you to all of our friends who assisted in the establishment of our school in the year 2008, as well as to the folks who have been supporting us along the way, sharing and caring with a lot of smiles.

    When you sign up for JAPANEASY, you immediately become a member of our extended family.

    We are quite pleased with the enthusiastic and upbeat energy that has persisted from the very beginning.

    You can both see and feel the tremendous energy that is being shared among the children and the professors.

    Because of this, JAPANEASY is an incredibly enthusiastic and exciting place to acquire Japanese language skills.

    Our Scheduling

    Regardless of the way you choose to absorb information, WE HAVE THE IDEAL COURSE FOR YOU.

    GROUP LESSONS Students will learn in classes that are small, interactive, and engaging.

    Learn Together

    Your education will be facilitated in an environment that is intimate, welcoming, and interesting thanks to the group lessons that we offer. Activities and practise in small groups will allow you to develop a strong relationship with both your instructor and your peers. Following the conclusion of a term, the majority of groups will progress onto the subsequent level on the same day and at the same time with members of the same group. You will not only be able to learn from your instructor, but also from the other students in the class. The demands of the majority of students can be met by taking the General course, and we also provide a JLPT course and a Focus on Communication course for individuals who want to concentrate on particular aspects of the language.

    What Makes Our Group Lessons Different?

    The Most Efficient Approach

    We use a flipped teaching style, which means that you watch the lecture videos before your class, and then in the classroom, you can focus on more practice and activities, which makes your learning easier to follow and speeds it up "these videos used in the pre-lesson are an excellent initiative. an initiative that clearly has taken much time and trouble to prepare "a clear goal for each learning objective. Why is it important to have a clear goal for each learning objective? you have a much clearer idea of what you can achieve by the end of the lesson if you define the goal at the beginning of the lesson. That means that you can practice with a clear mind, which leads to more effective learning, encourages your learning, enjoys learning, and boosts your conversational skill. Learning should never be boring! Our teachers ensure that every lesson is filled with interesting takeaways and good laughs! Our small, interactive lessons ensure each student gets plenty of speaking practice.


    Our most well-liked class, which features a comprehensive curriculum that covers everything, including reading, writing, and oral communication.

    • Gain experience in a wide range of fields to prepare you for any challenge.
    • It is an excellent resource for students of any level, including those who have never engaged in academic pursuits before.
    • Teaching method known as "flipping" in which traditional lecture and practise time are replaced with time spent watching a training video that explains grammatical concepts before classes.
    • This course covers the material on the JLPT.

    Teaching Method

    The majority of the instruction will be given in Japanese. The direct method places an emphasis on comprehensive participation in the instructional setting.


    $374.00 (inc GST)

    16 hours (2 hours/week for eight weeks)

    Focus On Communication About

    This course emphasises real-life communication in its lessons and gives students the opportunity to experience the lifestyle and culture that lies behind the communication being taught. Students can learn both the language and the culture by concentrating more on communication (speaking and listening) in this class.

    • Concentrate on your listening, speaking, and communicating skills.
    • Acquire knowledge of both the language and the culture.
    • Appropriate if your goal is to acquire basic conversation skills in a short period of time
    • Travel discussions

    Teaching Method

    To ensure that you have a complete grasp of everything that is presented in the classes, the instruction will be given in both English and Japanese.

    The cost of the course is $198.00 total, including GST (Travel & Advanced)

    The cost of the course is $374.00 total, including GST.

    About JLPT

    The foundational class for students who want to take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. It is recommended for students who have already finished the main class or who wish to revise before to the examination.

    • For those taking the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, here are some helpful study recommendations.
    • High passing rate, with over 80 percent of our students achieving success each and every year.
    • JLPT exam proctors and assistants are Japanese language teachers.

    It is recommended that workers in Japan obtain certification, which costs $385.00. (inc GST)

    16 hours (2 hours/week for eight weeks)

    Vocational Language Learning Centre. - Japanese School Melbourne

    vocational language learning centre japanese tutors melbourne


    03 9602 1631

    What does VLLC do?

    Since its founding in 1989, VLLC has operated as a language school. We are the only company in Australia that specialises in teaching 13 different languages for both personal and professional use.

    Why is the VLLC approach different from others?

    It is an organised programme that teaches you to "think" in your new language rather than translate, and it is centred on visualising and associating things in your new language. Your class is designed specifically for you. It is a combination of as many as three different modes of delivery, which may include regular online classes as well as one-on-one sessions with native speakers.

    Why is it that the VLLC approach is so effective?

    Enjoying the process of learning a new language and achieving your language goals both require a degree of flexibility as well as courses that are supervised. You will begin making statements from the very first day. Ninety-seven percent of our students have successfully finished their Certificates and are happy to recommend VLLC. Our success rate is among the finest in Australia, and we are proud of this accomplishment.

    The History of the VLLC

    Language instruction doesn't get any more unique than it does at VLLC. Our group takes the time to get to know each student on a personal level and employs an integrative learning technique to facilitate the growth of students' second language skills by associating images with sounds. Instead of continually referring back to their native speech, students are instructed to "think in their new language" from the very first day of class. There is also a significant emphasis placed on pronunciation, with the goal being that pupils would be able to speak their new language with the same accent as native speakers.

    The staff at VLLC wants students to be successful in achieving their goals. Our student coordinators oversee all student programmes to ensure that students stay on track and receive the assistance they need to accomplish the goals they have set for themselves.

    In order to cultivate self-assurance and fluency, the VLLC system requires students to complete a series of solo sessions in addition to receiving one-on-one coaching.

    The Vocational Language Learning Centre (Aust) is a Registered Training Organization (0773) that was established in 1990 in response to a need within the community for competency-based language tuition that was not only fast and effective but also directly related to the vocational and personal needs of both individuals and organisations. This need was a result of the community's demand for language instruction that was not only fast and effective but also directly related to the needs of the government.

    Over the course of more than three decades, VLLC has provided language instruction."

    With the help of VLLC's personal development guide, you can experience the transforming potential of learning a new language. Learn to fully embrace change as you travel through the process of learning a new language, whether it results in a new life for you in a foreign country or gives you the courage to meet new people."

    Educators of Foreign Tongues in Australia

    When you decide to study a language at VLLC, you can rest confident that you will receive the very best instruction available in the field of your choice.

    To ensure that you receive the assistance you require to make the most of your educational experience, we have pleasant tutors on staff who have years of relevant experience and are experts in their fields.

    Master the Japanese language.

    You can enter the culture of Asia through Japan, which has one of the largest economies in the world and serves as a gateway to the continent. Have fun while gaining insight into different ways of life, cuisines, and traditions from around the world.

    What new skills will I acquire?

    Your reading, writing, speaking, and listening abilities will all improve significantly as a direct result of taking any Japanese class.

    Courses are delivered by blended learning and can be a combination of: 

    • online education that features individualised instruction
    • ongoing conversations with the Tutor and Student Coordinator 
    • assigned homework activities.

    What Japanese courses are available?

    VLLC has:

    • a Certificate II in Applied Language,
    • ​a Certificate III in Applied Language,
    • a Certificate in Social Proficiency,
    • a Certificate in Intermediate Proficiency and
    • a Certificate in Vocational Proficiency.

    Available both online and in our schools.

    No matter what your talents are, there is a learning method that will work for you, and the course that you take will be adapted by our course coordinators to meet your specific needs.

    Where is Japanese spoken?

    Over 125 million people are able to communicate with one another using the Japanese language. When Chinese characters were first brought to Japan in the 5th or 6th century AD, the Japanese had no writing system at all prior to this time. One of the most widely spoken languages in the world is Japanese, which holds the ninth spot on the list of most common languages.

    It is most often used in the Japanese archipelago; nevertheless, there are over 1.5 million Japanese immigrants and descendants of Japanese immigrants residing in other countries, notably in North and South America, who speak Japanese to varied degrees. These people come from Japan.

    VLLC Melbourne Centre - Victoria

    Over four million people from a diverse range of cultural and ethnic backgrounds call Australia's most multicultural city, Melbourne, in the state of Victoria, home. The existence of multiple cultures creates a wealth of opportunities for interaction and education.

    The VLLC Melbourne Language School can be found on Swanston Street and is conveniently placed close to Melbourne University (Tram Stop: Queensberry Street). Both in-house and online access is provided to each of our 13 language options. Because of our flexibility, you are able to combine the two approaches in order to accommodate your schedule.

    Caulfield Primary School - Japanese School Melbourne

    caulfield primary school japanese school melbourne


    03 9523 7934

    At CPS, the Advantages of Having Students Learn Both English and Japanese

    Caulfield Primary School has established itself as a school of choice ever since it became a bilingual school in 1997. This is especially true for parents who want to give their children the opportunity to receive an education in both English and Spanish.

    It's not a language that we teach; it's the language that we teach in!

    Children who receive an education in both languages are likely to have improved literacy skills in both languages, as well as generally more developed thinking abilities. This conclusion is supported by both research and practical experience.

    When our students graduate, the majority of them have achieved a level of fluency in reading, writing, and speaking Japanese that is frequently comparable to that of students in the ninth or tenth grade.

    Our bilingual education provides our children with a wide variety of one-of-a-kind chances and experiences, helping them to develop not just a robust understanding of the Japanese language and culture but also of their responsibilities as citizens of the world.

    Caulfield pupils receive a one-of-a-kind education because their school is one of just 11 bilingual schools in Victoria.

    The genuineness of our children's Japanese language development will be ensured by the fact that they will be raised in an atmosphere where Japanese is spoken by native speakers.

    What Does CPS's Version of Bilingual Education Look Like?

    We are one of the few bilingual schools that fully implement the model for bilingual education that is prefered by the DET. This model calls for 50 percent of instruction to be conducted in the target language (Japanese) and 50 percent to be conducted in English. In addition, all of the students in our school participate in the programme.

    Our kids receive instruction in English and Japanese for a combined total of 12 hours each week. These are the components:

    • 12 hours of Literacy (8 hours in English and 4 in Japanese)
    • 5 hours of Numeracy (in Japanese)
    • 3 hours of Inquiry, including History, Science, Geography, etc. (in English)
    • 1 hour of Physical Education (in English)
    • 1 hour of Visual Arts (in Japanese)
    • 1-hour of Performing Arts (in Japanese)
    • 1 hour of Library (in Japanese)

    It is essential that you are aware that even though we teach half of our curriculum in Japanese, it is entirely based on the Victorian Curriculum, just like it is in all government schools across the country.

    When it comes to literacy instruction, our teachers employ a method known as the "mirrored" approach. Teachers who are fluent in English and Japanese collaborate on lesson plans to ensure that all areas of the curriculum are covered while also determining which components will be presented in English and which will be presented in Japanese.

    We implement a concept known as "co-teaching," in which each of our classes is led by two instructors, one of whom is bilingual in English and Japanese and teaches the students in their "homeroom." Both of these professors are responsible for their pupils' entire well-being as well as their academic progress.

    In most cases, each co-teacher is responsible for their own classroom, and the students split their time between the two classrooms and their respective teachers.

    When there are an odd number of grades in a particular area of the school, the third and fifth classes are split between two part-time teachers, one of whom speaks English and the other of whom speaks Japanese. In this scenario, the students remain in the same classroom throughout the day, and either one of the teachers may be present at any given time.

    In addition to the teaching staff that we have, we also have a number of Japanese Assistants that provide support to the children as well as the teaching staff.

    Additionally, at any one moment we are lucky to have a number of Japanese volunteers who support our efforts to educate students in both languages.

    Participation in the Community

    Our bilingual education has a significant impact on many facets of school life, in addition to playing an important role in Caulfield's curriculum and paedagogy. These include the following areas:

    Relationship with a sister school We have an official sister school relationship with Nakagawa Elementary School in Ogaki, which is located in the prefecture of Gifu. The City of Glen Eira has a sister city relationship with Ogaki.

    Play involving the entire school — Once every two years, our entire student body takes part in a school musical production that is acted out in Japanese. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz in 2019 and Puss in Boots in 2017 are two examples of recent theatrical productions.

    Year 6 Trip to Japan - Every year, our students in the sixth grade get the opportunity to go on a trip to Japan that lasts for around a week and a half. During this time, they are hosted by Japanese families and attend classes at our sister school in Nakagawa.

    Festival — Our once-every-two-year festival has a very strong Japanese flavour to it, and attendees will have the opportunity to discover and enjoy many facets of Japanese culture.

    In Taiko Club, students in Years 5 and 6 have the chance to learn the Japanese art of taiko drumming and to take part in a variety of public performances. Taiko is a drumming ensemble that consists of two drums played in unison.

    Our bilingual choir has a repertoire of songs in both English and Japanese, and it has performed in public for a wide variety of events and occasions using both languages.

    The term "Undokai," which refers to a traditional Japanese sports day, is one of the most popular of the many school events that take place throughout the academic year.

    Community links – Our school has strong links with a range of organisations and events, including:

    • The Japanese Consul-General
    • The Melbourne Japanese School
    • City of Glen Eira Cultural Day
    • The Box Hill Japan Festival

    Listen & Learn Australia - Japanese School Melbourne

    listen learn australia japanese tutors


    03 8652 1330

    In The Convenience Of Your Own Home, Acquire Respected Skills That Are New To You.

    Put yourself to the test with our online classes offered in more than a hundred different languages! Get in touch with us, and we will tailor a programme that is both entertaining and engaging specifically for you.

    SAFE, as well as CONVENIENT.

    Gain priceless new abilities while studying with your seasoned instructors online via Skype and Zoom.

    Study Online With Our Live Online Japanese Lessons.

    You and, if necessary, the rest of your group can receive training from our Japanese speakers who are fully equipped to teach their mother tongue in the comfort of your own home or at your place of business at a time that is convenient for you. You are free to schedule your sessions on any day of the week—even on the weekends—at any time of day that is convenient for you, be it the morning, the afternoon, or the evening. In the event that neither your house nor your business is suitable for hosting the courses due to unforeseen circumstances, they can take place at the location chosen by your personal trainer. You will get access to the materials necessary for the lesson.

    Lessons In Japanese Available Online

    Learning Japanese can be difficult, particularly for people who already speak another language, such as English. Not only does it use a form of writing that is entirely distinct from English, but it also has a pronunciation that is difficult to understand and a grammar system that has no parallel in English. But don't be concerned! If you decide to study Japanese with us at Listen & Learn, not only will you become fluent in the language in a short amount of time, but you'll also have a lot of fun doing it! Because of the adaptable nature of our native-speaking instructors, they will customise a Japanese online course to take into account your individual requirements and preferences.

    Who can join us in the study of Japanese?

    No matter how proficient you currently are in the language, you are welcome to enrol in one of our online classes for Japanese. For instance, students who are already at an intermediate level can use our individualised instruction to improve their pronunciation and expand their vocabulary. Because your instructor will always take into account your interests when organising the lessons, you will be able to learn Japanese through a variety of mediums, such as viewing anime or excellent Japanese films, listening to Japanese pop music, or even reading manga. Whatever it is that you desire!

    What do you think you'll take away from this experience with us?

    In the meanwhile, if you have never studied Japanese before, you can start with our Survival course. In this course, you will acquire all of the fundamentals and abilities you need in order to have basic conversations in Japanese. In addition to this, you will begin to become accustomed to the rhythm and sounds of the Japanese language. Get in touch with us as soon as possible to get started with a Japanese language education that is both engaging and inspiring.

    Why Should I Take Japanese Lessons Online?

    Because there is no need for students to travel to and from class, our online classes offer significantly more flexibility than those that take place in person. Because of this, you just need to give a one-day notice to reschedule your lesson.

    You have the option of studying on your own or taking part in study sessions held in smaller groups with your family or friends. It is important to know that the maximum number of people allowed in any group is 8.

    There is no requirement for sophisticated hardware or laborious software. Simply download Skype, and you can get started on your Japanese studies right now!

    iJapanese Language & Culture School Melbourne

    ijapanese tutors melbourne


    0401 886 612

    iJapanese is the place to go to learn Japanese in Melbourne.

    The word "I" and the word for "love" have the same pronunciation in the Japanese language. At iJapanese Language & Culture School, our Japanese instructors make it a point to instil in their students an appreciation for the rich history and culture of Japan. As a result, we are confident that you will emerge from your studies with a deep-seated fascination for this amazing nation. Students in Melbourne who are interested in gaining a well-rounded experience may count on us to provide them with the best Japanese language education available. You won't simply pick up Japanese language skills when you study with us; you'll also pick up knowledge of the country's history, culture, and way of life. You may be confident that we will meet your needs thanks to the fact that we offer classes to individuals of varying ages, origins, and levels of ability. It's not as difficult as you might think it is!

    Our Courses

    At iJapanese, you will receive instruction from experienced and skilled native Japanese teachers who have many years of experience teaching in schools across Japan and Australia. iJapanese was founded in 2004. No matter what inspired you to learn this language in the first place, our overarching goal is to make sure that you derive the utmost pleasure and utility from each and every one of your classes. Our Japanese school in Melbourne provides instruction in the language as well as the culture of:

    • General language skills
    • VCE exam preparation
    • Language Proficiency Test preparation
    • Travel survival
    • Business

    The Japanese language can be learned by our students in either group settings or in one-on-one private instruction, and the study schedules can even be adjusted to accommodate the students' individual schedules and requirements. Simply enquire about it when you get in touch with us.

    Lessons on Japanese Culture for Beginners in Melbourne (Beginner-Advanced)

    General Japanese classes are provided by iJapanese Language & Culture School in Melbourne for students who wish to improve their existing language skills as well as acquire a deeper grasp of the Japanese cultural tradition.

    This course is designed to improve your proficiency in:

    • Spelling and grammar
    • Reading and writing
    • Speaking
    • Listening

    We place a particular emphasis on speaking, equipping you with the conversational skills necessary to communicate with self-assurance in a variety of contexts, including business and tourism. You can rely on our kind and knowledgeable tutors to provide aid with whichever aspect of Japanese language study you're interested in pursuing in Melbourne, be it a refresher course on your speaking abilities or an introductory class designed specifically for Japanese language learners.

    Course for preparing for the JLPT in Melbourne

    You want to take the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), but you need some help studying for it. You can achieve success with the help of our kind instructors who can teach you the necessary knowledge and skills. Students in Melbourne of all ages and levels of proficiency who took our JLPT course were able to approach the test with more assurance.

    The Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) is the most widely recognised Japanese language exam in the world, and passing it should be at the top of your must-do list if you want to work or study in Japan. It is also beneficial as a benchmark for assessing your competency in the language, helping you to recognise where your strengths and weaknesses lie so that you may concentrate on the areas in which you need to develop.

    Our JLPT course will not only provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to pass the exam, but it will also present you with some helpful techniques that you may implement when getting ready to take the exam.

    Course Details

    At our school in Melbourne, students have the opportunity to take the JLPT over the course of a whole year.

    Private Lessons - $55 per hour. Classes meet once a week for either one hour, one and a half hours, or two hours. The student's needs, both in terms of subject matter and attendance, can be better met through the use of private tutoring, which offers greater flexibility.

    Semi-Private Lessons – $45 per hour (per person) – If you want to make learning more enjoyable and interesting, try studying with a friend.

    Tutoring available in Japanese for the VCE in Melbourne

    Are you getting stressed up about your exams? Dial the number for the iJapanese Language and Culture School. Students of different levels and abilities in Melbourne have benefited from the assistance provided by our kind and knowledgeable VCE Japanese tutors, which has helped them enter their VCE exams with confidence.

    You'll learn from native Japanese speakers who will help you with:

    • Writing essays
    • Listening skills
    • Reading skills
    • Oral preparation

    Each Japanese tutor for the VCE is gentle, encouraging, and totally committed to assisting you in achieving your objectives. They will collaborate closely with you to ensure that the classes address all of your requirements, such as your skill level, the areas of worry you have, and the unique goals you have set for yourself.

    Course Details

    Lessons can be taken in a group setting or on an individual basis over the course of a year.

    Private lessons cost $55 per hour and can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of the student. These classes offer a greater degree of adaptability; you can take as many of them as you require, and they can last as long as you see fit.

    Semi-Private Lessons – $45/hour – This class is ideal for you and a friend to take together because it was developed with space for two students. The price is listed per individual.

    A Course in Japanese Vacationing in Melbourne

    Those who are interested in travelling to Japan for either business or leisure can take advantage of iJapanese's comprehensive Japanese language training in Melbourne.

    When you can speak the language of the nation you are visiting, everything is going to be so much simpler and more enjoyable for you. Not only does it make it simpler for you to speak with locals, but it also enables you to get more involved in the culture of the country you are visiting. This results in a deeper understanding of the locals as well as a more memorable and fulfilling travel experience overall.

    Students from Melbourne will be able to take part in our Japanese travel course, where they will learn useful key phrases and expressions to make their travels go well, as well as some important facts about the culture and people of Japan. The course will be taught in Japanese. As is the case with all of our classes, we will instruct you in the language within the framework of a broader cultural setting in order to provide you with a more well-rounded education.

    Information Regarding the Course Our Japanese for Travelers class is broken up into eight weeks of one and a half hour long lessons.

    Group Lessons are offered once or twice a week at a cost of $27 per hour and are available to students.

    Semi-Private Sessions are $38 per hour, and you can begin them whenever it is most convenient for you and on a timetable that accommodates your needs.

    Private lessons have a rate of $52 per hour and can begin whenever it is most convenient for you. We will work with you to create a timetable that meets your needs.

    Culture Courses

    Workshop in the Art of Calligraphy

    This course will include instruction in the fundamentals of Japanese calligraphy, as well as the opportunity to produce your very own piece of artwork using Japanese calligraphy. In addition to this, you will be given the chance to take home your calligraphy supplies with you, allowing you to continue honing your skills in the comfort of your own home.

    You are going to get some practise with balances, strokes, pauses, and splashes while learning the fundamentals of calligraphy writing techniques. At the end of the process, you will produce your own piece of art using Japanese calligraphy. Write your favourite word on a Japanese paper fan or paper board in the traditional style.

    Felting with Needles Workshop

    The art of needle felting, which is a technique for turning wool roving into three-dimensional things, is very popular in Japan. Needle felting is a technique.

    Workshop and Class on Cooking

    At the end of the lesson, you will get to try the dishes you've prepared using the skills and knowledge you've gained, along with some green tea. Our classes feature authentic Japanese cuisine, including savoury and sweet dishes alike.

    EVENTS On a regular basis, we host Language Exchange Meetings and Events at the End of the Term. You can interact with native Japanese speakers and fellow students in order to hone your Japanese skills and discuss your adventures.

    Japanese Commercial Transactions in Melbourne

    Those who are planning to visit Japan on business or who will be entertaining Japanese business clients in Australia can take advantage of iJapanese's comprehensive Japanese business course, which is offered in Melbourne.

    At our school in Melbourne, we provide classes in both business and Japanese language for individuals and small groups. If you have a larger group, we can also arrange for one of our knowledgeable Japanese teachers to come to your place of business and teach you there.

    The Japanese for Business course that we offer provides students with an in-depth knowledge on conducting business in Japan or with Japanese companies. This entails becoming fluent in the Japanese business language as well as its terms, norms, and protocols. However, because every group and student has their own unique requirements and objectives for learning Japanese for business, we adapt our curriculum to meet your specific requirements.

    You should emerge from the training feeling prepared to handle any situation that may arise in a business setting, including but not limited to welcoming people, giving presentations, hosting clients, and running meetings. In each and every one of our classes, we place an emphasis not only on teaching you the language itself but also a broader cultural background in order to provide you with a more well-rounded education.

    Information Regarding the Course Our Japanese for Business class is broken up into weekly lessons of one hour's duration and lasts for a total of eight weeks.

    Lessons for Groups — Pricing for small and big business groups is available upon request; please enquire about this.

    Semi-Private Sessions are $38 per hour, and you can begin them whenever it is most convenient for you and on a timetable that accommodates your needs.

    Private lessons have a rate of $52 per hour and can begin whenever it is most convenient for you. We will work with you to create a timetable that meets your needs.

    What Will You Learn?

    Depending on the course you select, your Japanese tutor will cover:

    • Reading and writing skills
    • Spelling and grammar skills
    • Listening
    • Speaking and conversation
    • Exam preparation strategies

    Our warm and welcoming Japanese school teachers make it their goal to infuse each lesson with a sense of humour while also imparting useful information. As a result, our Japanese language classes foster an encouraging atmosphere in which students can improve their Japanese communication skills alongside peers who are interested in the same thing they are. Who knows, you might even end up finding yourself the ideal travelling companion!

    Please get in touch with us so that we can schedule your lesson.

    iJapanese is the Japanese language school that is best suited to meet your requirements, whether you are considering taking a vacation to Japan, are intrigued by the country's distinctive culture, or are simply interested in expanding your linguistic horizons by learning a new language. Our instructors put forth a lot of effort to ensure that each and every class is a worthwhile experience. Our Melbourne Central Business District office is standing by to receive your call if you would want to acquire Japanese language skills. We are excited to finally put a face to your name!

    Japanese Australia Online Language School

    japanese australia


    0430 103 664


    It all began with a table purchased from IKEA.

    The storeroom of a manga cafe served as our first classroom in 2006. There was just enough space in there for a white LACK table, four stools, a whiteboard with unsteady wheels, and a closet to hold textbooks.

    Fifteen years later, we are now located smack dab in the midst of the Melbourne Central Business District and occupy the top floor of a building that has eleven classrooms.

    We have instructed individuals from all walks of life, including students, families, Apple gurus, ATO managers, council members, and even a news anchor from Channel Nine. We are well-versed in the art of engaging pupils who come from a wide variety of cultural and geographical backgrounds.

    We switched our Japanese classes online after COVID-19, and much to our delight, many of our students found that they found it to be a beneficial experience.

    Especially those who had to go a lengthy and extensive distance. Students who detested having to travel into the city due to factors such as the scarcity of parking and their own introversion. Some people are even able to learn alongside their families or friends who hail from other nations. Students who would rather study in their pyjamas and inside the familiar surroundings of their own homes.

    After that, we had the epiphany that if we could teach students in outside Melbourne via remote access, then we could teach students anywhere in Australia.

    Even the entire planet.

    This led to the establishment of the Japanese colony in Australia. To serve as a connection point between Japan, Australia, and the rest of the world is one of our primary missions.

    Our students' deep-seated passion for Japan serves as the institution's guiding principle.

    People's willingness to study increases in proportion to the intensity of their obsessions.

    They not only want to get there as quickly as possible, but they also want to do more than just visit the area as a tourist. They have an interest in engaging with the local culture. The fresh, the stale, the obscure, and the glistening They want to take in every little detail.

    Therefore, instead of acting as though we are in Japan, we do all in our power to get them ready for the real thing.

    The following are some advantages of studying with us:

    Talk to a real live human being.

    Podcasts and online lessons might be helpful, but real people have their own unique way of communicating with one another. Study the vernacular and the tone, and educate yourself on how to answer appropriately.

    Instant reaction.

    In the event that you have any questions, your instructors and fellow students will be able to discuss and provide answers in real time.


    Learning is possible even when you don't feel like it since you have a lesson plan to follow. The first step to achieving anything is simply turning up. Change is difficult to do without first establishing new habits, and that is exactly what we are doing for you as you learn the language.

    Everyone who takes one of our Japanese classes does so for their own unique reasons. Some want to improve their job prospects, some want to read manga and watch anime, while others simply want to broaden their horizons and experience something different in life.

    If any of the situations described above sound familiar to you, you can rest certain that we have the appropriate training to get you back on track.

    We are a reputable company that has been operating in Australia for many years.

    The advantages of taking some of our classes online

    Professionally Trained Instructors

    Our instructors have either completed at least 420 hours of training that has been officially accredited by the Japanese government, or they have either passed a Japanese Teaching Competency Test, or they have an equivalent degree.

    Beginner's Starter Kit.

    If you are just starting out with Japanese, we will provide you with a practise kit that you may use before, during, and after your classes to help you improve your skills. from the comfort of your own home, moving at your own rate.

    Free Level-Assessment.

    If you have studied Japanese in the past, we would gladly give you a free evaluation so that you can begin your studies at the proper level and avoid wasting any valuable time.

    Responses Tailored to the Individual

    Our knowledgeable instructors will assess your strong and weak points, provide feedback on what aspects of your Japanese proficiency require the most work, and personalise the Japanese instruction you receive in the future.

    The fact that we are a physical language school in Melbourne that specialises in teaching Japanese to more than 200 students is the primary distinguishing feature that we offer.

    If you give us a call right now, one of our teachers, Asami-sensei or Hellena-san, will answer your call. Not an 1800 number that has been redirected.

    Our instructors have the backing, the resources, and the knowledge necessary to help you achieve your goals. We are excited to finally put a face to your name (online). Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

    Our Online Courses

    The direct style of instruction is used to teach Japanese in Australia (teaching Japanese in Japanese).

    We teach Japanese to students all around the world through the use of Japanese and international news websites, online magazines, blogs, pictures, and videos. Search engines, digital libraries, and real-time file sharing between students and teachers are among tools that are utilised in educational settings.

    We are not suggesting that it is superior to the conventional in-person instruction; rather, they are simply distinct, much like Ringo and mikan.

    Please have a look at the list below to see what we have available.


    Everyone has to begin their journey at some point. We will instruct you on the fundamentals of the Japanese language, including how to read, write, speak, and listen. You will continually be exposed to new vocabulary and grammar, and you will learn to speak in a variety of settings, whether at work, in school or college, or in the Japanese community. You will be able to speak Japanese at the level equal to the JLPT N5 by the time you have finished our basic course.


    If you already have some experience with Japanese language study, you can book a free level assessment at your own convenience, jump ahead of the line, and get started right away.

    The preparation for the JLPT

    The Japanese Language Competency Test (JLPT) is the standard that is used to evaluate and certify the level of Japanese language proficiency of non-native Japanese speakers. Do you want to find a job or attend school in Japan? After that, you will need to do well on the JLPT. To obtain further details, please go here.

    Year 11 & 12

    You are going to need every bit of assistance you can get if you have decided to study Japanese for your year 11 and year 12 examinations. We have instructors who have experience in HSC, VCE, QCE, and other equivalent tests, which will help you get a higher ATAR.

    Attend school in Japan.

    What could be more beneficial than learning Japanese? Studying Japanese in Japan. We provide language classes, cultural activities, summer camps, and even paid internships all throughout Japan for those who are interested. Choose your city and bring your passport with you. (Don't worry, we'll help with getting a visa, picking you up at the airport, and finding a homestay.)

    This is the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT).

    What is the JLPT?

    The Japanese Language Ability Test, also known as the JLPT, is a standardised test that non-native speakers of Japanese take to evaluate and verify their level of Japanese language proficiency.

    There are five tiers in total: N5 is the lowest level up to N1, which is so difficult to pass that even native Japanese speakers have trouble with it. The difficulty of each subsequent level increases by a factor of 10.

    For instance, all of these characters represent the kanji () that you need to be able to read and write in order to pass N5. The N4 level has an additional 500 kanji, whereas the N3 level has an additional 1500, and so on. This is only kanji; we still have to work on our listening, reading, and grammar skills.

    An N2 certificate is required in order to find work or enrol in postsecondary education in Japan.

    According to the findings of a poll conducted by the Japan Foundation, one-third of those who applied did so solely to gauge their own degree of competence in the language.

    Putting it simply, there is no other method to determine whether or not your level of Japanese is sufficient but to take the JLPT.

    When, where, and how should we meet?

    Every year, the exam is carried out on the very first Sunday of the month of December in Australia. (July arrives in Brisbane as well!)

    We are not permitted to submit applications on behalf of students for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), as it is their own duty to register for the exam. Be advised that applications for the JLPT can only be submitted during a specific window of time each year, which falls sometime between July and September. The fee for the exam is often close to one hundred dollars.

    How long does it take, on average, to get a passing score on the JLPT?

    If you are starting from scratch and only able to dedicate a small amount of time to your studies, you will need at least a year to reach the N5 level.

    It depends very, extremely on your capability, your routine, and your commitment. The previous year is the most ideal point at which to begin. Today is the next best time after that.

    We offer a JLPT preparation course that is available at any time of the year.

    We begin with grammar between the months of February and June, then go on to listening and reading between the months of July and September, and finally practise tests between the months of October and November. The study of Kanji and vocabulary will be relentlessly practised during the entire year.

    You can evaluate how well your Japanese language skills stack up against the official levels by taking our practise exams in October. We will give you a test that is very similar to the JLPT. Each section will last between 25 and 30 minutes, and at the end, we will provide you comments to help you prepare for the official test.

    International College of Melbourne - Japanese School 

    international college of melbourne japanese school 


    03 9662 3343

    Welcome To The International College Of Melbourne

    The National Vocational Education and Training regulator (NVR) has recognised International College of Melbourne (ICM) as a Registered Training Organization (RTO). Training and testing for courses leading to nationally recognised qualifications are both available through our company. Additionally, we are registered to offer vocational education and training to foreign students who are currently enrolled in an Australian educational institution. At ICM, our primary objective is to provide courses and other learning experiences that will enable our students to study in a manner that is comprehensive, productive, and time- and effort-efficient, as well as to their utmost contentment.

    We are always looking for innovative methods to make the most of the potential that our training environment has to aid in the education of our students while simultaneously reducing the impact of any factors that could be a barrier to that potential. ICM intends to accomplish this purpose by making a commitment to provide learners with high-quality training programmes. This will be accomplished through established partnerships with various businesses and educational institutions located all around Australia. ICM's cutting-edge classes are taught by highly trained instructors who not only have a wealth of professional expertise but also remain actively involved in their respective industries. Our campus is situated in the Central Business District of Melbourne, making it easily accessible to all forms of public transportation and other conveniences.

    The facilities at ICM are up to date, and the school maintains a low student-to-teacher ratio, both of which encourage individual engagement in the educational process. All of our students have access to a wide variety of in-person support options. Our bilingual staff creates a warm and welcoming atmosphere for the students, providing them with support and care. Additionally, students have access to expert support and counsel that might aid them in resolving certain issues or assist them in overcoming those issues.

    ICM is dedicated to offering and promoting non-discriminatory, inclusive practises and processes in order to give equitable chances for all students to accomplish their learning outcomes. These practises and procedures are designed to ensure that all students can meet their educational goals. We make it a priority to check that the decision-making procedures we use reflect a commitment to access and fairness and that we treat all students and potential students in an equitable and fair manner.

    Where We Stand


    It is the goal of the International College of Melbourne to make available educational opportunities on a global scale. The institution places a strong emphasis on the acquisition of skills and information that will enable students to adapt over the course of a lifetime of societal and technological shifts, and consequently, to participate in the global workforce. We acknowledge the importance of education in not just the formation of skills necessary for a productive society but also in the development of an individual's sense of self-worth, values, and the highest possible ethical standards.

    ICM is dedicated to providing its students with an education of the highest calibre that is tailored to their individual requirements and to aiding those students in identifying and attaining their professional and educational objectives. In order for the organisation to accomplish its mission, the following goals have been established:


    • To provide a varied selection of academic curricula in business and specialised areas enriched with instruction in general education.
    • Providing the students with a background of job skills will enhance their employability opportunities.
    • To provide the students with fundamental skills which contribute to success in their careers and in their personal endeavours.
    • To lead the student in the self-discovery process of clarifying and raising the individual's goals and achievements commensurate with the student's potential.
    • To provide a framework and atmosphere of learning which will enhance the student's capability to demonstrate ethical and moral values in professional, personal, and business situations.
    • To strive for and maintain excellence in business, specialised, and general education by systematically reviewing classroom facilities, equipment, curricula, faculty, and staff.
    • To make available our student's activities and experiences, which foster personal growth and leadership qualities that will assist students in their social, vocational, and academic pursuits.
    • To maintain a process of communication with the community of employers to ensure relevant curricula to meet the developing needs of the industry.

    ICM Principles


    We value behaviour that is responsible, accountable, and ethical within an environment of honest, open communication, mutual respect, and care for one another.


    We place a high importance on innovative risk-taking as well as the passionate pursuit of new ideas.

    Continuous Improvement

    We place a high importance on the ongoing improvement of our programmes, services, and procedures through the empowerment and professional development of our staff members within the context of a culture that emphasises teamwork.

    Focus on the Customer We place a high importance on our commitment to the success and happiness of our students by meeting the requirements of our customers.


    We place a high importance on educational settings that are able to attract, grow, and sustain a student body and workforce that are representative of our varied world.

    Education That Never Stops

    We provide a wide range of professional development and educational opportunities.

    The furtherance of appreciation and understanding between different cultures

    We plan to promote through a variety of activities, both instructional and social, that contribute to cultural knowledge and engagement.

    Services for Academic and Personal Support

    Students will benefit from Academic services provided by our staff, which will include a comprehensive learning resource centre and basic skills activities designed to supplement classroom curriculum.

    Student Services and Assistance Programs

    We will make it a priority to give all students, including those with special needs, with the opportunity to participate in a variety of social and cultural activities as well as assessment, advising, and counselling services.

    Frequently Asked Questions About Learning Japanese

    Now here's the thing. Japanese is considered one of the most difficult languages to learn. It has a different writing system than English, a completely different grammar structure, and relies heavily on cultural context and understanding.

    122 million people speak Japanese as their native language, making it one of the most spoken foreign languages in the world. Japanese is one of the most useful languages to know for those who work in the automotive, communications, and financial sectors.

    Japanese is one of the hardest languages for English natives to learn. It doesn't have many similarities in structure to English. They estimate it takes 88 weeks of learning, or 2200 hours, to reach fluency.

    In 2016 there were around 14,700 enrolments for Japanese students on a student visa, for English language study in Australia (7,367), vocational and technical education (4,128) and higher education (just under 1,493).

    The main reason there are so many students of Japanese language is because there are many schools which teach Japanese, either as a compulsory or as an elective course in foreign language study. Ninety-six per cent of those studying Japanese in Australia are primary and secondary students.

    The typical tuition is around 150,000 to 200,000 yen for a 3-month full-time program. In addition, most schools charge a registration fee of around 5,000 to 20,000 yen and an insurance fee of 10,000 yen per year in case of long-term programs.

    Japanese has been taught in Australia for more than 100 years and is widely taught as a second language in Australian schools.

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